Collective Worship planning
Please see below ideas for Collective Worship planning - click on the title for more (PDF except where stated):
Based on Values
Compassion | Courage | Curiosity | Forgiveness | Friendship | Generosity |
Hope | Humility | Justice | Peace | Perserverance | Respect |
Responsibility | Service | Thankfulness | Trust | Truthfulness | Wisdom |
See also British values and Christian values | PDF
Harvest: A time to give thanks -10 Collective Worship Plans | Remembrance: Five Collective Worships on the theme of Remembrance (PPT) |
All Saints: Called to be saints - shining as a light for others |
Based on Fruit of the Spirit
All nine plans are available here or available individually below:
Faithfulness | Gentleness | Goodness |
Joy | Kindness | Love |
Patience | Peace | Self-Control |
Global Christianity: Jesus around the world - Eight Collective Worships looking at how Jesus is portrayed around the world (PPT) |
God is...Exploring Christian ideas about God during collective worship: 5 CW plans (PPT) |
Collective Worship theme: Racial Justice (PDF) |
For padlets providing links to lots of useful resources on religious festivals, please click here.
Heart for the Earth - Diocese of St Albans
A school-based resource to encourage primary and secondary schools to theologically and practically reflect on the issues of climate change. Released in instalments over 2 years, the first instalment (‘Day 1’), focusses on the theme of electricity and includes ideas for spiritual reflection in reflective areas and home, Heart for the Earth examen guide, Class/tutor group-based worship and Collective worship plans.
Heart for the Earth | Website
For further information
Please contact our Schools' Adviser, Rachel Cutts
Collective Worship resources to remember the life of Her Majesty the Queen and the transition to the reign of King Charles III Church of England's collective worship resources for schools | Weblink Resources and reflection from Southwark Diocese | Weblink Guildford Diocese | Weblink Picture News | PPT HM Queen Elizabeth II - Passing it on - Acension (Diocese of Guildford) | PPT HM HM Queen Elizabeth II - Passing it on - Acension (Diocese of Guildford) Accompanying notes | PDF Previous planning for 2020-2021 Collective Worship Planning Summer 2 2021: ‘Accept one another as Christ accepted you.’ | PDF Collective Worship Planning Summer 1 2021: Encountering the risen Jesus | PDF Collective Worship Planning Spring 2 2021: Jesus in the Wilderness | PDF Collective Worship Planning Spring 1 2021: Hope, Courage and Endurance | PDF As part of the collective worship plans for the first part of the Spring term, The Rt Revd Dr Mike Harrison, Suffragan Bishop of Dunwich kindly contributed a video on what endurance means to a Christian.