
Soldiers from Suffolk village recognised for their part in two world wars

First published on: 11th December 2023

A new Suffolk war memorial tablet has been dedicated to remember those who came home from two world wars – but later died from their wounds. 


Brampton primary school praised for aspiration and inclusion

First published on: 11th December 2023

A glowing review in its latest Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) report.

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Church among first in UK to commission new King’s coat of arms

First published on: 7th December 2023

A Suffolk church has unveiled a painting of the new royal coat of arms of King Charles III – thought to be the first commissioned in the county.

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Bishop Martin Celebrates Grand Opening of Depden Care Farm’s New Animal House

First published on: 28th November 2023

Depden Care Farm is delighted to announce the official opening of its new Small Animal House, marked by a special visit from The Right Reverend Martin Seeley, Bishop of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich.

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Bishop Mike visits Safe Harbour, a project offering food, warmth and hospitality

First published on: 21st November 2023

A project aimed at helping people struggling with complex needs has been praised for giving vital support to the local community by one of Suffolk’s bishops.

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St Edmundsbury Cathedral Honours Service took place on Edmund Day Weekend

First published on: 20th November 2023

On Sunday 19 November, a special service took place, honouring seven men and women in Suffolk and bestowing them with the title of ‘Canon’.

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Church of England announces £9 million to help churches

First published on: 14th November 2023

The Church of England has awarded £9 million to dioceses for repairs and specialist advice to parishes.


St Edmundsbury Cathedral to host a day of prayer for the people of Gaza Israel

First published on: 13th November 2023

On Tuesday 14 November the Cathedral will open its doors from 8.00 am to 6.00 pm


Remembrance Sunday - Bishop Mike and Bishop Martin reflect

First published on: 13th November 2023

Bishop Mike and Bishop Mike speak on Remembrance Day

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School celebrates ‘good’ rating from Ofsted

First published on: 9th November 2023

Ofsted Inspectors praising the school’s strong ‘family feel’.

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