Church communities in Suffolk celebrate ‘Love Your Yew Week’
First published on: 12th February 2025offering an opportunity to record historic churchyard trees
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offering an opportunity to record historic churchyard trees
Reflecting a commitment to walk in step with nature and put creation care at the heart of what they do.
A Suffolk church has raised more than £23,000 to refurbish its parish room thanks to a green match-funding scheme supporting carbon-cutting projects.
St Gile’s Church in Risby, is now one of just 49 churches across England and Wales to ever receive the accolade.
'Give To Go Green' is a national church campaign to help you double your locally-raised donations.
Trail blazing green projects by worshippers create our first Gold Eco Church
A fascinating insight into conservation and wild bird life on the county’s farms.
Depden Care Farm is delighted to announce the official opening of its new Small Animal House, marked by a special visit from The Right Reverend Martin Seeley, Bishop of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich.
Homes and businesses have been affected to varying degrees of severity
The Revd Diane Ekins is overseeing an eco-revolution at All Saints' Church in Mendham