Picture by Philip King
Living Faith is a series of resources to develop confident Christian faith. It includes material for individuals and small groups, written in a variety of styles and suitable for different settings. Some of the resources are designed for those who are new to the faith, whilst others are suitable for different stages of the faith journey. For more information please contact Ruth Dennigan, our Discipleship and Ministry Development Officer.
Downloadable Courses
Click on the links below to download a PDF for each course. These resources may be reproduced by local churches as part of group or individual studies.
Basics | A four-session course for groups which may be of interest to all, currently used as a training course for those wishing to be Lay Elder. |
Living Advent 1 | Daily reflections for Advent with supporting group material |
Living Confirmation | An eight session introduction to the basics of Christian faith |
Living Isaiah | A six session course for groups or individuals introducing some of the key themes in the book of Isaiah. |
Living Lent 1 | A five session course for small groups looking at traditional themes of Lent |
Living Lent 2 Who is this Jesus? | Daily reflections from Ash Wednesday to Easter Day |
Living Lent with Mark | A six session course for use by individuals or groups reflecting on the Passion narrative in Mark's Gospel |
Living Honestly with the Psalms | A five session course for individuals or small groups giving the opportunity to reflect on the range of human emotions found in the psalms |
Living in Later Years |
A five-session course for groups and individuals of any age who want to explore how to live a full life in older years |
Living Luke 1 | A four session course for individuals or groups introducing the key themes of Luke’s Gospel |
Living Luke 2 | A seven session course for individuals or groups reflecting on the key characters in Luke's Gospel |
Living Mark 1 | A four session course for individuals or groups introducing the key themes of Mark's Gospel |
Living Matthew | A four-session course for individuals or groups introducing some themes from Matthew's Gospel |
A five session course for groups giving people the opportunity to explore their gifts, talents, passions and skills and how these can be used in living a full life in the worship of God. | |
Living Prayer 1 | A four session course for groups exploring aspects of prayer |
Living Prayer 2 | A six session course for small groups who want to explore some different approaches to prayer |
Living the Gifts of Love | A six session course for groups giving opportunity to deepen relationship with God by learning and practising some of the gifts of love God has given us |
Living Vocation | A workbook written to help individuals and groups consider what it means to live life in response to God's call |
Living Word 1 | A seven session course for individuals or groups looking at the different kinds of literature that make up the Bible |
Living Word 2 | A six session course giving an overview of the Big Story of the Bible |
Other learning opportunities
Explore with Alpha | Weblink
Our events and training programme | Weblink
Spiritual direction | Weblink
Cursillo | Weblink