We have a number of resources and publications, please click on the links below:
Teaching about Buddhist worldviews | Padlet
Teaching about Christian worldviews | Padlet
Teaching about Humanist worldviews | Padlet
Teaching about Muslim worldviews | Padlet
Teaching about Hindu worldviews | Padlet
Teaching about Jewish worldviews | Padlet
Teaching about Sikh worldviews | Padlet
REAL voices of faith and non faith | Padlet
Other Resources
The Church School RE Subject Leaders Handbook 2024 | PDF
A guide for RE subject leaders, which will be regularly updated. The Handbook looks at the role of the RE subject leader and covers the law, teaching RE, SIAMS, EYFS and RE, visits and visitors, grants and links to useful resources.
Where do I stand? Suffolk Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education 2023 | PDF
A guide to the new Suffolk Agreed Syllabus which is due to be implemented in September 2023.
Let's talk about....religious education | PDF
This booklet provides a range of questions to ask the people who should be able to tell you most about RE in your setting. We believe that by asking the right questions, you will gain a better picture of how enjoyable and effective the RE is in your particular setting, and that this will provide a springboard for even better RE!
Religious Education in Church of England Schools - Statement of Entitlement Analysis 2019 | PDF
Overview of aims and objectives of RE in church schools and of the RE Curriculum and what pupils, parents, teachers/leaders can expect.
Self-Evaluation/Audit Questions (Primary) | PDF
This audit tool from the Church of England is intended for RE teachers and subject leaders as a means of evaluating to what extent an RE curriculum is well-balanced.
Using Scrapbooks / class books in RE | PDF
Diocesan information for teachers, heads, subject leaders, governors and inspectors.
RE Class Scrapbook/Journal monitoring | Word
A proforma
Pupil Voice | Word
A proforma
A breakdown of SIAMS Strand 7.
Easter Theme Day | PDF
Suggestions for activities and resources to help explore Easter
RE Curriculum for school websites:
- by religion | PDF
- by year groups - CP and VC | PDF
- by end of phase outcomes | PDF
Virtual RE - videos of places of worship, virtual visits and visitors | Padlet
Schools can also find RE support from:
Religious Education Quality Mark | Weblink
National Association for Teachers of Religious Education (NATRE) | Weblink
The Learning Hub, St Edmundsbury Cathedral, Bury St Edmunds – The Cathedral has a dedicated team who work with schools when they visit the cathedral. School visits typically run between 10am - 2pm. To contact the Learning Hub, please email learninghub@stedscathedral.org
EEFA (East of England Faith Agency) | Weblink
This group provide details of faith speakers and places of worship on their website.