On Sunday 19 November, a special service took place at St Edmundsbury Cathedral, Bury St Edmunds, to honour seven men and women in Suffolk and bestowing them with the title of ‘Canon’. The title of Canon is given to individuals, both clergy and lay, who have given particular service to the Diocese of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich. This year, new canons are being recognised for their expertise and contribution to the life of the Diocese and wider county. The installation took place during the 3.30pm Evensong service.
The new canons joined the Cathedral’s College of Canons. The College is comprised of the Dean, the Residentiary Canons of the Cathedral, the Bishop of Dunwich and the Archdeacons of Rural Mission, Suffolk, Ipswich and Sudbury. The role of the College of Canons is to act independently to the Cathedral governing bodies and be a forum for reflection, advice and advocacy across the diocese and county. Modelling both the current context and what we aspire to become, the canons represent the breadth of Suffolk life.
The Very Revd Joe Hawes, Dean of St Edmundsbury said, “With each series of installations the Cathedral moves closer to our goal of strong and outward facing governance. The College of Canons plays an integral part in this as the Bishop’s think tank and as ambassadors connecting Cathedral, diocese and county.”
Those named as Canons are:
Honorary Canons:
- Charlotte Cook
- Simon White
- John Thackray
- Stuart Batten
Lay Canons:
- George Gittus: Farming.
- Dr Francis Young: Historiographers
Ecumenical Canon:
- Jason Vinyard
Later in the service, the Cathedral also installed its new members of Chapter. Earlier this year, the Cathedral became a charity and under the Cathedral Measure 2021, appointed additional independent non-executive members to join Chapter which is the Board of Trustees of the Cathedral. Chapter is accountable for the governance, strategic direction and management of the Cathedral, and has ultimate responsibility for the care, maintenance and development of the Cathedral estate, all aspects of Cathedral activity, and for securing its long- term viability and financial sustainability. New Chapter members installed are Jaime Mellow sand Jane Haviland.
Gary Peverley was also installed during the service as the Diocesan Secretary for St Edmundsbury and Ipswich. He was acting Diocesan Secretary before being appointed by the Rt Revd Martin Seeley, Bishop of the St Edmundsbury and Ipswich Diocese and will have overall responsibility for the governance of the diocese, including helping the Bishop’s senior management team to lead on strategic planning, shaping policy as well as managing the Diocesan Office in Ipswich.
Bishop Martin said: “I am delighted to appoint Gary to this key role. Gary has a real passion for Suffolk and all that churches do to support their communities. He has a proven track record in providing excellent support to parishes and going forward, I know he will continue to make a strong and positive difference for the churches in the diocese.”