The Big Weekend is a Christian event aimed at secondary and sixth form age young people hosted by the Church of England in Suffolk.
Led by Matt Levett, Diocesan Youth & Young Adults Office, and organised by a team of experienced youth workers it offers young people the opportunity to come together, learn about God and make new friends.
Held in April 2023, the team were delighted that 53 young people attended the weekend. Loads of the young people engaged in the planned sessions and all of them came away feeling positive about the experience.
The group of youngsters had some very interesting conversations thinking through the theme of 'stories' : and about how about the possibility of God’s existence might fit into our stories We also had lots of conversations about who we and what it means to be a follower of Jesus in the everyday.
Matt Levett said, “This is our second Big Weekend and both events have been hugely successful. It is a wonderful opportunity for young people to explore faith in a safe way, while meeting new people and having fun”