Bishop Graeme's letter

Bishop Graeme's letter

Looking round St Edmundsbury Cathedral for my installation I was reminded just how important is this caretaker role of bishop in our Diocese.

The nave was full of supporters and well-wishers some of whom I knew, as I live in Bury St Edmunds, but there were some unfamiliar faces who were there to support not just myself, but the Church as a whole in Suffolk.

Thank you to everyone who attended and also to those who were unable to be present but who have passed on their messages as I take over from Bishop Martin as Acting Bishop.

Bishop Martin’s legacy is profound. After 10 years in Suffolk he has left us with strong relationships in farming, supporting young people, health, education, the military and local politics.

He also maintained the number of stipendiary clergy serving our villages, opened up a new way of training in Suffolk for locally ordained ministry and fostered a tremendous commitment to the farming community.

It is those relationships which I want to further, but at the same time I want to bring my own views to ensure that this is an interim period which does not stand still – but one which builds upon Bishop Martin’s amazing foundations and keeps us relevant in a fast moving, ever-changing county and world.

At my stage in life, aged 73, it was a surprise and indeed a great honour to be asked to come forward and deliver as your Acting Bishop.

I know Suffolk well, having moved to Bury St Edmunds several years ago having previously served as a Bishop of Sodor and Man, Dean of St Paul’s Cathedral, and Acting Dean of St Edmundsbury Cathedral before Dean Joe’s appointment.

The county offers so much that is close to my heart, particularly musical events at Aldeburgh and Snape Maltings which bring back memories of my time as a singer and a precentor.

I will continue to live in Bury St Edmunds while working from Park Road in Ipswich and people can contact me in exactly the same way as they did with Bishop Martin, through the chaplains (email: and the Bishop’s Office (01473 252829).

Bishop Tim Stevens, formerly Bishop of Leicester and now living in Bury St Edmunds, has kindly agreed to assist me.  Bishop Tim knows Suffolk well, having been Bishop of Dunwich from 1995-1999, and our combined knowledge of what remains such a beautiful and traditional county will hopefully stand us in good stead as we tackle the next few months together.

The process of appointing a new permanent bishop is well under way and, although I am appointed for a year, I hope that a new bishop will be in place well before then, perhaps even by the Autumn.

In the meantime, thank you for everything you do to keep the Church of England at the forefront of our communities here in Suffolk. It is very much appreciated.

Bishop Graeme

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