A former specialist nurse has become chaplain at a Suffolk high school. Keith Rengert has become chaplain of Debenham High School and associate priest in the Debenham and Helmingham Benefice. He was licensed by Bishop Martin, at a ceremony in the school that took place on Friday 10 January.
The Revd Rengert spent more than 20 years in a nursing career including seven as a specialist nurse at Ipswich Hospital before becoming ordained in Norwich.
He said: ‘"Icome to Debenham High School following more than seven years serving in the Reepham and Wensum Valley Team. During this time I founded the Chaplaincy at Reepham High School and College. For the last two years, having secured funding, I have served as chaplain to the four High Schools of the Synergy Mult-Academy Trust of which Reepham is one. Over this time I have developed a heart for young people and those that educate them and look forward to serving them."
He has also had voluntary chaplaincy roles with Norwich International Airport, East of England Ambulance Service Trust and the East Anglian Air Ambulance.
Debenham High School, which was founded in 1964 and caters for children aged 11 to 16, is a Church of England high performing specialist academy and Bishop Martin is chair of the school’s Academy Trust.
Bishop Martin said: ‘‘Debenham High School, with its strong Christian ethos, aims to nurture excellence and integrity in all members of the school community. I am delighted that Keith has taken up the important role as chaplain to help us fulfil our aims. The school aims to develop students to enable them to take their place in society as happy, successful and resilient people who act with integrity, purpose and love.The School encourages students to develop a respect for and tolerance of others - regardless of differences of race, disability, sexuality, gender, culture or religion."
The Revd Canon Susan Taylor, Rector in the benefice, added: ‘‘We have forged strong links with the school and deeply value the breadth of community this creates. We are so aware of the pastoral needs of young people and believe that a Christian Chaplain is in a unique position to offer support and care, whilst also being a visible presence and witness to the love of God in the life of the school and of the young people and staff."
For more information please visit our chaplaincy website page here.