Kagera Visit 24 biographies

Bishop Mike 

I am especially keen to spend time with the bishops and discuss how we can strengthen links with all three dioceses of Kagera, Biharamulo and Lweru, not only through this trip but into the future, whether in prayer, partnership or mutual support of different kinds. I know from previous visits how inspirational it can be to see fellow Christians demonstrating such hospitality to outsiders, generosity towards brothers and sisters in Christ and profound gratitude for our Lord's provision and I hope that the visit will enable our curates to be so inspired, and indeed to have experiences motivating them to engage passionately with the link upon their return to our diocese

The Revd Canon Sharron Coburn, Rector of St Peter’s Church, Brandon and Assistant Diocesan Director of Ordinands - (Soon to be Diocesan Director of Mission and Ministry)

I think that it will be an amazing opportunity to see God at work in another culture and continent. I am also looking forward to discovering how we can strengthen our links with the Diocese of Kagera and the neighbouring Dioceses and translating this in a way that the local churches of our own Diocese can become inspired by and grow through this partnership. The curates we are taking out with us will be a catalyst for their own churches to think more globally. The learning, challenges and their experiences that they will encounter can only deepen their own ministry for the future.  I have never travelled like this before so I have a mix of anticipation, fear and excitement at the prospect. I am mindful that I will be there to support our curates and their experiences while also going through these experiences for myself for the first time. I will need to balance care for others with deep reflection for myself. 

The Revd Rowland Bareham - Curate at St. Andrew's Church in Great Cornard

I am in a single-church urban parish and all of my ministry has been at this parish (previously as a Reader for 10+ years before being ordained), and so I think it is important to see the Church in the various places that it operates.  My curacy training has involved both a clinical placement at the Chaplaincy of a local hospital and a work placement in a rural benefice of many churches, both were important as I knew little of Anglican Chaplaincy and of rural ministry.  Similarly, I know little of other places in the Anglican Communion, so a visit to Kagera is a start!  I think I'm going to find the visit both challenging being away from home comforts and illuminating to see what are others' home comforts.  I hope to be able to reflect on my findings in my preaching when I return.

The Revd Gail Minter Carlford Benefice, just North of Ipswich. 

I am in a very rural benefice covering nine parishes, and part of what I am hoping to do is meet Kagera clergy who also cover large geographical areas and compare notes, to find out what we have in common and where the differences are.  I'm also excited to see the Gospel at work in such a different context, I hope that this will help me to see something of the essence of our faith, knowing and then seeing that Jesus brings transformation and life wherever and whoever we are. I'm excited to learn and to come home having made new relationships that will flourish over time and bring encouragement and inspiration to both parties.

The Revd Kate Hacker Hughes, Priest Pastor at St Marylebone Parish Church, Diocese of London

I'm delighted to be joining this group. Our church has a link with Kagera due to our schools and work in healthcare, wholeness and healing. I am looking forward to learning about Kagera, and sharing thoughts and experiences with students at the Kagera Theological College, meeting church members and maybe seeing one of the big five!

The Revd Nicola Tindall - Associate Priest of the Benefice of Higham, Holton St Mary, Raydon & Stratford St Mary

It is a privilege to have been invited to join the group travelling from Suffolk next month to our partner diocese, Kagera, in Tanzania and I go with the blessing of the Four Marys Benefice.  Am I excited – very.  Am I nervous - just a tad.  Have I ever travelled like this before - definitely not! I am very much looking forward to sharing the whole experience with my fellow travellers whilst in Kagera and to sharing what I have gained with the Benefice when I return. I know it will undoubtedly influence my future ministry. As well as hoping that I will see how the diocese has helped in previous years and understanding what aid is now required, I am also looking forward to worshipping our Lord in a very different but joyous environment. 

The Revd Diane Grano, leading the Lightwave Resource Hub in Red Lodge

It is such a privilege to have this wonderful opportunity to join Bishop Mike and others on a trip to Kagera. When I received the email which informed me  "Showers – may be hot or more likely cold. May be given large bowl, bucket of water and jug to pour over self" I thought, oh my goodness perhaps a two week placement at the cathedral might have been better. Then I prayed! Seriously, with mission being my heartbeat, I am thrilled to be going. I am keen to learn about our differences and to discover first-hand how God's love and generosity compares when we have much or little. 

The Revd Linda Pepper, full time Lead Chaplain at the University of Suffolk and Suffolk New College

I've never been to Africa before but have the joy of knowing many from that continent who come to study as International Students. I met Ammon, Principal of the Theological College, for the first time last Summer when I had the privilege of showing him around the Uni and College here. I am looking forward to meeting his students and to the mutual encouragement we will be to each other. I'm also excited about experiencing a culture very different to my own and learning more about the Church in the Diocese of Kagera, it's similarities and differences to the Church I support in Trimley St Martin.

The Revd Mark Bee, Priest in charge of Hundred River & Wainford Benefice (10 parishes in the north of St Eds & Ips Diocese). Also Diocesan Trainer in Safeguarding

I have travelled in Africa before visiting Kenya in 2007, during this visit I am looking forward to seeing the people, churches and beauty of Tanzania. I am interested in establishing links with schools in Tanzania and schools in my Benefice for joint learning opportunity. I will also be working with colleagues and students at KCTC on Safeguarding issues.  

Page last updated: Monday 29th January 2024 9:32 AM

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