What is Net Zero Carbon?
The carbon footprint of an organisation is the amount of carbon dioxide generated as a result of the activities for which an organisation is directly responsible, specifically energy use and travel. It is measures in tonnes of CO2.
These can be offset by
(a) the amount of renewable energy that is used,
(b) the amount of their carbon footprint which the organisation chooses to offset through various schemes such those operated by Climate Stewards and
(c) the amount that is offset through carbon sequestration schemes such as tree planting, The difference between the carbon footprint and the offset amount is known as net carbon.
The detail can be a lot more complex, watch this video for more detail.
How to get to Net Zero Carbon
How to become Net Zero Carbon | PDF
Webinars on getting to Net Zero Carbon
The Church of England has produced a number of webinars to support and equip you to reach the Church’s ambitious "net zero carbon" emissions target; everything from forming your team to putting solar panels on your roof, and including low cost 'housekeeping' actions which can pay back quickly. There are webinars scheduled for the next few months on heating systems, heat pumps and managing your lighting. To book (and to watch recordings of past webinars) go to the Church of England Environment Programme web page.
If you need any help with the tool, please contact our Net Zero Carbon Officer, James Rolls who will be happy to assist you
More information
National Church of England Environment Programme | Weblink
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