Parish Share is the model our Diocese uses to share the costs of mission and ministry between every parish in order to fulfil our calling to ‘Grow in God’. The basic principal is Christian generosity and mutual support. Parish Share enables us all to contribute together so we can:
- fund ministry in all our parishes developing enthusiastic ministry teams in every community.
- join together to grow our mission to Growing in God as we aim to be flourishing congregations making a difference so that together we can have a greater impact.
- unite a partnership in proclaiming the Christian faith.
There is an enormous gratitude for the generosity and faithfulness of so many of our churches and their congregations. We are also thankful that a high proportion of our churches paid 100% of their share in full with some overpaying their allocation to help others.
"I would like to thank you all for the love, kindness and generosity you have so readily given to the ministry and mission of the church...your collective generosity also plays a vital role in supporting every church in Suffolk, often in communities where there is great need and financial challenge." Bishop Martin.
Click here to understand more about our Opportunities and Challenges | PDF |
Click here to understand more about Parish Share | PDF |
Click here to download the Congregation Guide - Giving Together | PDF |
Remittance Advice for 2025 | DOCX
2025 Benefice Breakdown Proforma | DOCX
Standing Order Mandate 2025 | DOCX
Parish Share and Finance Team End Letter 2024 | PDF
For further information please contact
Philip Keeble | Accountant | 01473 298500
Julie Podd | Parish Resources Manager | 01473 298555 | 07826 556186
Elena Stephenson | Assistant Accountant | 01473 298580