Importance of the Church electoral roll
- The parish church electoral roll is the first building block of the church’s governance structure. It is a register of the lay members of the church who are entitled to vote at the APCM.
- Subject to the note below, those on the roll are eligible to be elected to lay representative positions on their PCC and deanery synod. Deanery synod representatives may then be elected to diocesan synod and general synod.
- The total number on the parish church electoral roll, as presented at the APCM, is an important factor in determining the number of lay representatives (parochial and deanery synod) that a parish may have.
- Given this, each year a formal process is undertaken by the PCC, as preparation for the APCM, to ensure the roll's accuracy.
For 2025 a new electoral roll will need to be prepared.
Application for Enrolment on the Church Electoral Roll | DOCX
Electoral Roll Certificate to Display in the Church | DOCX
Notice of Preparation of New Electoral Roll in 2025 | DOCX
Preparation of New Church Electoral Roll in 2025 | DOCX
Annual Parochial Church Meetings (APCMs)
The APCM for 2025 must take place between 1 January and 31 May 2025.
Forms for the APCMs can be found on:
Parish Resources | Weblink
Admission of Churchwardens
For more information please refer to the Visitations page here.
Articles of Enquiry
For more information please visit here.
Parish Returns
For more information please visit here.
Need help with all the timescales and deadlines?
If you need assistance thinking through all the timescales and deadlines for the APCM, use this spreadsheet. All you have to do is put the date of your APCM and AMP in the relevant cell and the formulas will calculate the rest and tell you what you need to do by when.
Further information
Parochial Church Councils (Powers) Measure 1956 | Weblink
The Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England which sets out the responsibilities and duties of the PCC.
Church Representation Rules | Weblink
This is the full text of the New 2022 Church Representation Rules. Copies can be purchased from Church House Publishing for £9.99.
Charities and Meetings | Weblink
Data Protection: Parishes and GDPR - Parish Resources | Weblink