The Emmanuel Project 2020 provides a complete set of 51 enquiry-based units for teaching RE across the primary school with clear background notes:
- 29 units on Christianity from EYFS to KS2; and
- 22 units on other world faiths for KS1 / KS2.
It is usable with most agreed syllabuses, providing detailed support.
This edition includes:
- An 'Assessing RE in your school’ section in all units to replace levels
- End of unit and end of year assessment materials for all units including quick quizzes based in blooms taxonomy and Solo Taxonomy hexagons
- Evaluate sections in all units to reflect the assessment changes
- ‘Before you start’ pages in all units to reflect a wider use across the country as well as maintain a link with the Suffolk syllabus
- ‘Explore’ sections in KS1 Christianity and all EYFS units
- Content in EYFS and KS1 to help teachers deliver the religious content in a more childfriendly way
- Stories from other world religions included in EYFS units
- A ‘Teacher Handbook’ outlining content and progression for each phase and religion
- Weblinks in every unit, with all previous links having been checked and updated!
Sample of LKS2 unit Why do Christians believe they are ‘people on a mission’? | PDF
2020 EXPLORE section Sample KS1 Pentecost Unit | PDF
Emmanuel Flyer | PDF
Sample Contents | PDF
List of 51 Teaching Units | PDF
Ten Key Points | PDF
The Emmanuel Project Facebook page | Weblink
The resource costs £250.00 to new buyers / £100.00 to those who bought the previous edition.
To place an order, please contact Jacqui Studd.