Schools and the Environment

Christians recognise that all life exists in an intimate, mutually supporting community, sustained by and reflecting God’s love1 and Anglicans affirm their responsibility ‘to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth’ 2.

Church of England schools are hubs for the community, places of creativity and provide a foundation for authentic social, cultural and spiritual action. Good education plants seeds that can inspire and bear fruit for generations to come.

In February 2020, the Church of England General Synod passed a motion to achieve Net Zero carbon emissions by 2030. Diocesan Synod passed a motion to action this in June 2021.

The Diocesan Environmental Policy sets out how care for God’s creation is a fundamental part of the Diocesan Growing in God vision.

The Diocesan Board of Education (DBE) Environmental Sustainability Policy (February 2025) sets out how it will fulfil its environmental vision:

The environmental vision of the Diocesan Board of Education is that the DBE and Church of England schools will celebrate God as Creator, and fully understand the impact of their work upon the environment. Church of England schools will become truly sustainable places of learning which create better outcomes for all children and young people, conserve the environment and enable the planet to flourish for future generations. The DBE will encourage collaboration amongst stakeholders to achieve this, and Church of England schools will achieve net zero carbon emissions by 20303.


1 Colossians 1:17

2 The Fifth Mark of Mission of the Anglican Communion:  

3 Scope 1 & 2 emissions at Voluntary Aided & Diocesan Multi-Academy Trust schools, as set out in the General Synod Net Zero 2030 target



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