Energy Footprint Tool

Part of the Parish Returns system, the Church of England’s Energy Footprint Tool is now open for 2025. 

The data collected from the tool will help your church:

  • understand its carbon footprint 

  • be more eligible for grants to kickstart net zero projects. 

  • This work is an essential part of caring for God’s Creation, by helping to combat global heating and climate change. 

How to fill out the Energy Footprint Tool: A short walk through:

Video from Diocese of Norwich 

How to use the EFT

Firstly, it only takes about 30 minutes and it is quite simple to fill in the form!  You’ll need to gather together:

  • Names of your gas and electricity suppliers, and whether they supply 100% renewable energy or offset your consumption
  • Utility bills for whole of 2024, and/or meter readings from the beginning and end of the year
  • Bills for any purchases, including oil if you still use oil
  • Other heating systems you may have eg heat pumps, capacity of your solar PV panels (if any), and units generated during the year

Don’t forget to enter data for any separate hall or other building(s) on the site, as well as the church itself.

The system is set up to give you ratings for efficiency compared to the church’s size and how busy it is. So you can also enter estimates of numbers attending services and using the buildings at other times, and details of work-related travel by church staff. This helps to get a full picture of how you’re getting on with improving your efficiency.


The deadline for entries is the 30 June 2025.

Further help

If you need any help with the tool, please contact our Net Zero Carbon Officer, James Rolls who will be happy to assist you. Or, if you need help to login to the Parish Returns portal, you can contact our statistics team at

Page last updated: Monday 10th March 2025 10:26 AM
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