Caring for church buildings


We have over 470 church buildings, the majority of them are medieval and of national and in some cases international historical and architectural significance. They owe their continuing existence to the dedication and hard work of the parishioners, architects and clergy who look after them. 

The DAC team is the point of liaison between a parish and the Diocesan Advisory Committee (DAC).  It’s the first port of call for advice on anything to do with the upkeep and repair of church buildings and churchyards.  The DAC is here to support parish teams to carry out church repair work, alterations or development projects, please contact us to get the ball rolling with your application. 


Our DAC team can help you with a number of aspects about your projects and we encourage you to get in contact with us early in your project planning for advice and guidance.  

Name and email Role Telephone
Edmund Harris 

 DAC Secretary

Oversees the DAC office and deals with all casework relating to development projects (eg extensions, kitchens, level access, new heating or lighting), major repairs and conservation work to historic items within a church. He also oversees external consultations with Historic England, the national amenity societies and the Church Buildings Council. He handles all enquiries relating to quinquennial inspections.

07394 568400 

Julie Alcock

Assistant to DAC

Supports DAC on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday - handling List B applications, faculty casework that doesn’t require external consultation, applications for commemorative plaques and Temporary Minor Re-Ordering licences (TMROs, aka Archdeacon’s Licences).

01473 298500

The team is supported by Birketts, Providence House, 141-145 Princes Street, Ipswich IP1 1QJ:

Name and email Role Telephone
James Hall Diocesan Registrar  01473 406270
Angela Long  Registry Clerk 01473 406300

Faculty Jurisdiction

If your church is consecrated, it will be subject to the faculty jurisdiction. If you’re not sure of its status (some churches are dedicated or licensed instead) then please email James Hall to find out.

The faculty jurisdiction is a legal instrument issued by the Chancellor, the Judge of the Diocese, governing what can and can’t be done to church buildings:

  • If you want to make a permanent alteration or addition to your church building or churchyard, you will almost certainly need a faculty.
  • You can’t instruct a contractor to proceed with work until you’re in possession of a faculty otherwise you could find yourself liable to Consistory Court proceedings.

Please note that some parishes own property outside the boundary of the churchyard and usually this isn’t covered by the faculty jurisdiction.

  • Any permissions for alterations to these buildings will need to be obtained from your local council.
  • A church hall won’t usually fall under the faculty jurisdiction unless it’s physically attached to the church and/or within the boundary of the churchyard.
  • Contact the Diocesan Property team for support please email

Many people find the prospect of applying for a faculty daunting, especially if they’ve never done it before and the DAC team is here to support you and guide you along the way to approval.

Page last updated: Thursday 28th November 2024 10:20 AM

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