Picture by Keith Mindham
Our diocese is led by Bishop Martin Seeley (Bishop of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich), assisted by Bishop Mike Harrison (Suffragan Bishop of Dunwich).
Our ministers
There are around 150 stipendiary clergy and 72 self-supporting ministers, roughly 185 Lay Licensed Ministers and over 500 Lay Elders in the parishes. Some of the key people you may hear about are:
Our Archdeacons are appointed to support both the bishops in their work across the diocese, they offer oversight and support the parishes, benefices and deaneries in their work of mission and ministry.
Archdeacons | Weblink
Ordained Ministers: called Priests, Clergy, Reverends, Vicars, Rector, and Incumbants, are called to represent the church in the wider world. They lead the church’s mission and ministry through worship and prayer, preaching and teaching, community engagement and pastoral work. Some ordained ministers are self-supporting and serve locally, and some are stipendiary (which is package of benefits including housing and a pension). Some are parish-based, while others serve in schools, hospitals, prisons and elsewhere as chaplains.
Deacons and Curates: Those successfully completing their Ordination training are ordained as a Deacon to start to serve in a specific parish as a Curate. Curacy is a vital time in which newly ordained ministers continue to learn and grow in the roles to which God has called them. After a year of service, and completing the post-ordination training, a deacon will be ordained priest.
Licensed Lay Ministers: Children's and Families' Minsters, Elders, Evangelists, Lightwave Leaders, Pioneers, Readers and Youth Ministers, are all volunteers who undertake training to support the mission of the church. Some may share in the leading of worship, support in a pastoral role within our communities or lead groups or lead teams that develop new worshippping communities.
Explore your ministries | Weblink