Please use these resources in your services for Kagera:
Kagera Service Ideas | PDF
Kagera Service Resources | DOCX | PDF
Prayers for our Link Dioceses | DOCX
Family service for Kagera | DOCX | PDF
Communion service for Kagera | DOCX
Success Stories from Kagera to share in your service | Weblink
Mandazi Recipe | DOCX
Fundraising ideas for your church or group | PDF
Why not host a Kagera style meal? – try these recipes: Taste of Tanzania | DOCX
Sell our Kagera notecards at your church or group – £4 for a pack of five. Order your packs from
Sunday School Resources
Children's Teaching Resources - Early Years | PDF
Children's Teaching Resources - KS1 | PDF
Children's Teaching Resources - KS2 | PDF
Singalong Videos
Watch these singalong videos to learn some tunes from Kagera:
Lord's Prayer in English spoken by people in Kagera:
For further information
Our Link Diocese Co-ordinators are Chris and Anji Dawkins please contact them via email.
Join our World Mission Facebook page for regular updates.