Jo Pitt - School Foundation Governor

I grew up as the eldest of seven children, in London, and the family were practicing Catholics. I learnt the catechism when I was six and had first communion when I was seven followed by confirmation when I was 11.  I stopped practicing as a Catholic in my teens and only went to church again when engaged to my husband. We then married in the Church of England and we moved to Germany, as my husband was in the RAF. While there I attended the CofE at the RAF station and rekindled my faith. I happily volunteered to be a church warden when they needed someone. I had been doing that for about nine months before the vicar realised I was not confirmed in the CofE so I rapidly took some classes and was confirmed!

I was the Churchwarden for five years in my current village.  I was also a member of 'Generate' for 14 years, until this spring, and we visited all of the schools in the benefice, and a couple of others, twice a year using puppets, mime, songs and sketches to take the message of God’s love in a way that was accessible to primary school children.

I am keenly aware of the stresses suffered by the young today and believe that if children can get an understanding of the love of God that may just help them at a time of crisis and hopefully lead them, in the fullness of time, to a greater relationship with God and greater spirituality. 

As a Foundation Governor I attend Collective Worship about once a term (and write a report for the school records about that), I join the Headteacher and the other Foundation Governor for meetings once a term where we discuss developments and ideas for demonstrating the Ethos of the school.

The Foundation Governors carry out interviews with the children to give them a voice and to understand what they are thinking about various topics and produce reports on these for all in the governing body and the school.

The Foundation Governors also help in the preparation for the SIAMS inspection and question the senior leadership of the school about how Christianity, spirituality and religious study is taught in the school.

I truly believe that the Ethos of our school provides the very best beginning for all its students.


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