Diocesan directory

A small team provides administrative, financial, secretarial, property, communication and general support to our parishes and Church of England schools.

Please click on the name for email.


The Rt Revd Graeme Knowles

Acting Bishop of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich

The Bishops House, 4 Park Road, Ipswich, IP1 3ST

01473 252829
  Vacant Suffragan Bishop of Dunwich  


Archdeacon Sally Gaze Archdeacon for Rural Mission                                                    07446 933129
Archdeacon Dr David Jenkins  Archdeacon of Sudbury 01284 386942 | 07900 990073
Archdeacon Rich Henderson Archdeacon of Suffolk 07710 479497
Archdeacon Rich Henderson Interim Archdeacon of Ipswich 07710 479497

Bishops office

The Revds Alan Forsdike and Catherine Forsdike

Bishops' Chaplain           
Diane Matthews Bishops' and Archdeacons' Executive Assistant 01473 252829
Terry Atkins  Accounts and Office Manager 01473 252829
Sarah Brown

Bishop Graeme's Executive Assistant

01473 252829
    Parliamentary Researcher and Briefings Officer 01473 252829

John Howard 

Bishop's Press Officer | 0208 720 6620 | 07872 314653

Governance Team

Gary Peverley Diocesan Secretary                                      01473 298575 | 07879 634525




Lisa Bloomfield PA to Diocesan Secretary

01473 298500


Lucy de Las Casas Director of Development 07955 279985
Charlotte Hodgson

Governance Manager

Governance: (Synod, Committees, elections) 

01473 298533 | 07876 865743
Nigel Cook

Strategic IT Manager

(IT systems, mobile phones, CMS database management)


01473 298599 | 07485 348880
Paul Sparrow

Data Analyst

(Data mapping, CMS database analysis)


01473 298598 | 07483 006384
Alison Barker

Business Support Administrator

(Receptionist, CMS database updates)

01473 298577 | 07485 348882 


Tim Holder Director of Engagement 07917 385843
Leonie Ryle

Communications Manager         

(Media/press enquiries, eNews, campaigns, Insight, website)                                                         

01473 298546 | 07468 474483 
Becky Luetchford Digital Story Teller 07812 632154
Lauren Bridgwater

Communications Assistant

Social media, Insight, website, diocesan vacancies advertsiing)

01473 298551 | 07483 006382 


Media Consultants | 01473 276127

Church Buildings

Edmund Harris

DAC Secretary 

(Church Buildings Advisor, Faculty applications and DAC meetings)

01473 298508 | 07394 568400
Julie Alcock

Assistant to DAC Staff

(List B applications, faculty casework that doesn’t require external consultation, applications for commemorative plaques and Temporary Minor Re-Ordering licences)

01473 298509 | 07485 348887

Toby Hart

Church Buildings Support Officer

(Minor repairs and improvement grants)

07721 219534
James Hall 

Diocesan Registrar 

Birketts, Providence House, 141-145 Princes Street, Ipswich IP1 1QJ | 01473 406270 

Angela Long

Registry Clerk

Birketts, Providence House, 141-145 Princes Street, Ipswich IP1 1QJ | 01473 406300 


Jane Sheat

Diocesan Director of Education 

(Headteacher appointments, schools strategy and Multi Academy Trust CEO)                                                            

01473 298560 | 07884 232231
Susan Todd 

Deputy Diocesan Director of Education

(Schools Admissions, OFSTED and SIAMS support, Governance)


01473 298570 | 07917 390362
Rachel Cutts

Diocesan Schools' Adviser

(RE, Collective worship, Distinctive Christian values, Training and courses)

07955 279988
Daniel Jones

Schools' Buildings Officer

(Schools land and building ownership, schools capital projects)


01473 298532 | 07920 050407
Philip Knowles

School Effectiveness Officer

(SIAMS support for schools)

01473 298570 | 07551 122311
Jacqui Studd

Schools Administrator

(School eNews, event bookings, schools administration)

01473 298570 | 07485 348883

Finance and HR 

Philip Codling

Finance and Operations Director

(Budgets and Finance Reporting)

01473 298573 | 07483 050810
Philip Keeble

Senior Finance Manager

(Statutory Accounts, Year End, Xledger, Treasurer queries)


01473 298506 | 07485 348881
  Tracy Tipple

Management Accountant

(Management Accounts, Budget and Forecasting, Parish Share Allocations, Reporting Queries)


07955 275638
Elena Stephenson

Finance Assistant

(Diocesan invoices, banking, Kagera, Trust queries)


01473 298580 | 07485 329228
  Frances Blakeway

Finance Administrator

(PF1 Forms, general finance queries, PTO processing)

01473 298572 | 07483 006374
Penny Longford

People Director

(Diocesan job descriptions and employee welfare)

01473 298588 | 07394 568401
  Sue Polley HR Assistant 07593 551917

Inspiring Ipswich


Archdeacon Rich Henderson

Charlotte Cook

Archdeacon of Ipswich         

Ipswich Area Dean                                                                         

Liz Fox Assistant to the Archdeacon of Ipswich 07394 559887
Karen Macfadyen  Inspiring Ipswich Project Manager 01473 298591 | 07394 568398
Helen Smith Administrator and Prayer Facilitator 01473 298592 | 07485 329224
Alicia Holmes Lead Pioneer Developer (Families and Children) 01473 298595 | 07394 568405
Bob Hamilton Pioneer Developer 01473 298594 | 07394 568407
  Peter Forty  Estates Assistant 07955 275636


Archdeacon Sally Gaze Archdeacon for Rural Mission 07446 933129
Andrew Gosden Project Manager 07711 753312
   Ewan Darby Fundraiser and Bid-writer  

Mission and Ministry

The Revd Canon Sharron Coburn  Diocesan Director of Mission & Ministry        01473 298518 or 07483 006385
The Revd Canon Stuart Batten

Diocesan Director of Ordinands

(Vocations, Ordinands and IME2 training) 

01473 298511 | 07468 474065
Katie de Bourcier Diocesan Mission Enabler 07955 273158
Matt Levett

Diocesan Youth & Young Adults Officer

(Growing Younger, Youth Essentials training)

01473 298515 | 07736 941654
Lesley Steed 

Senior Administrator for Mission and Ministry

(Administration for Elders, IME2, AOP, Ordinands, CMD, Readers and Insight) 


01473 298510 | 07485 348889
The Revd Laura Mumford

Growing Younger Enabler

07394 559889
Gail Southgate

Lead Evangelist

(Suffolk Centre for Mission)

07394 568396
Linda Pepper

Lead Chaplain

(University of Suffolk and Suffolk New College)

Sarah Quantrill Sudbury Archdeaconry Mission Enabler 07955 284003
  Natalie West  Suffolk Archdeaconry Mission Enabler 07955 284020

Net Zero Carbon

James Rolls Net Zero Carbon Officer 07394 568404
Emma Flint Net Zero Carbon Regional Learning Coordinator 07485 348888

Parish Resources

Julie Podd

Parish Resources Manager

(Parish Giving Scheme, grants, digital giving, PCC workshops. Training to build a generous culture. Waiver/parish support process)


01473 298555 | 07826 556186
Emma Rowlinson

Giving Advisor

(PGS, digital giving, Gift Aid, PCC Workshops)

01473 298557 | 07955 284035 

Emma Denton

Giving Advisor

(Giving Advisor, Parish Resources – Grants and Funding, Gifts in Wills, Parish Buying, Digital Giving, Friends Groups)


01473 298556 | 07483 006379


Dawn Gillett

Head of Property and Diocesan Surveyor

(Clergy Property, Office Health and Safety)


01473 298507 | 07469 149744
  Sharon Waters

Project Manager (Pastoral Secretary and Property)

(Reorganisation projects)

01473 298581
  Julie Billham

Administrator (Property)

(Clergy Property Maintenance and Administration)


01473 298512 | 07798 783686


Karen Galloway

Diocesan Safeguarding Officer

(Safeguarding disclosures and concerns)

01473 298545 | 07785 621319 
Shelly Thomas Assistant Diocesan Safeguarding Officer 07795 974734
Alison Baalham

Safeguarding Administator

(DBS, Administration and general safeguarding enquiries)

01473 298548 | 07468 474252

Lisa Hicks

Safeguarding Trainer and Training Coordinator                             

01473 298547 | 07485 329226
Rick Peat Safeguarding Trainer and Training Coordinator    01473 298547 | 07955 284034
Page last updated: Tuesday 25th March 2025 11:28 AM
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