There are many ways in which you can support the mission and ministry of the church across our 443 parishes and one of them is to help us to exercise sound governance. We encourage a wide and diverse cross section of our members to become involved. If you feel called to work collaboratively, assisting in openness of communication and ensuring clarity of decision making, then please do come forward to offer your time and talents.
As you will be aware, the election process for vacancies to a number of committees, has been taking place over the last few weeks, as follows:
- One vacancy from the House of Laity to Bishop’s Council
- Six/seven clergy and/or lay vacancies for the Diocesan Board of Education
- Three clergy and five lay vacancies for the Diocesan Board of Patronage
- Three clergy and seven lay vacancies for the Vacancy in See Committee
For all of these vacancies, with the exception of the clergy vacancies for the Diocesan Board of Patronage, elections were not required, and so I’m pleased to announce the following appointments:
Bishop’s Council
House of Laity
- Mrs Sabrina Crooks
Diocesan Board of Education
- Mrs Maggie Elder
- Revd Joanna Gunn
- Revd Rachel Revely
- Revd Toby Tate
- Revd Canon Susan Taylor
Vacancy in See
House of Clergy
- Revd Canon Andrew Dotchin
- Revd Alix Taylor
House of Laity
- Mrs Sabrina Crooks
- Miss Anna Geileskey
- Mr David Lamming
- Mrs Jacqueline Maslin
- Mrs Katherine Pitchford
Diocesan Board of Patronage
House of Laity
- Mr David Lamming
- Ms Christine Laverock
- Mrs Jacqueline Maslin
- Mrs Barbara Rowe
For the House of clergy, there were four nominations for three posts with voting currently taking place by the House of Clergy of Diocesan Synod. The results will be announced on Friday 20th December 2024.
Thank you to all of those who stood for election for the 2024-27 triennium.
Given there are still 1-2 vacancies on the Diocesan Board of Education, 1 vacancy for a lay member of the Diocesan Board of Patronage and 1 clergy and 2 lay vacancies for the Vacancy in See Committee, we will plan to run further elections in the early part of 2025 – please consider if you, or someone you know, might be willing to contribute to the effective governance of the Diocese by standing for election.
-Gary Peverley
For any further queries please email Alison Barker in the first instance.