The environment and you

Managing our personal lifestyles to help the environment

"When we believe in transformation at the local and personal level, we are laying the sure foundations for change at the national and international level."  Rowan Williams, Chair of Christian Aid & former Archbishop of Canterbury

The way we live our lives has an impact on the resources of God’s Earth. It is a part of the church’s mission and ministry that it communicates and informs about the effects of climate change and biodiversity loss. By doing so, it enables both church members and the wider community to make informed choices about lifestyle changes to help protect the environment.

There are many ways of doing this such as:

  • Articles in parish magazines or community news
  • Displays in church
  • Events such as green fairs, Traidcraft stalls, debates or visiting speakers.


There are a wide variety of resources on the internet and in books to help people to measure the impact that their lives are having on the environment and what they can do to change.

Creation Care is a scheme similar to Eco Church, but for households. The website also has a lot of resources to help people make changes. If you need ideas for a display or article, this is a good place to start looking.  Creation Care | weblink
Take Action pages of the A Rocha UK website also have a lot of ideas and resources. The resources page of the Eco Church website has a number of advice sheets on lifestyle covering topics such as food, travel, energy usage and waste. The Living Lightly | weblink
Green Christian has a number of leaflets about personal lifestyle changes. Green Christan | Weblink
  Ruth Valerio’s book 'L is for Lifestyle' highlights the main threats to people and our planet. She shows us how, by making small but significant changes to our lifestyle, we can learn the secret of a life that is both fair and simple.  L is for Lifestyle | Weblink

Got 10 minutes to write to your MP? 

It's crucial that our MPs know that, as people of faith, we are still energised to push forward to more ambitious change for the climate. Could you write to your MP using the Climate Coalition's template letter, to ask them to 'keep 1.5 degrees alive'? Use the template letter and write to your MP now.


More information

Please do email the Diocesan Environment Officer for more information.

Please follow our Facebook page and join the Environment Facebook Group. 




Page last updated: Thursday 23rd March 2023 3:57 PM
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