Diocesan Synod June 2023

Bishop Martin welcomed Synod members to St Edmundsbury Cathedral on Saturday 24 June. This Synod's key focus was on climate change, with the key mission message being: "To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth", Bishop Martin also supported the motion to bring forward the original Net Zero Carbon deadlines for church buildings from 2045 to 2030.

Download the Synod Presentation slides below:

Synod June 2023 Presentation | PDF

Bishop Martin | Presidential Address

President Address text | PDF

Jo Chamberlain | Key Speaker - Environment introduction

Net Zero Carbon | National Church of England


During the Synod, a discussion took place and attendees were split into four groups to discuss their respective topics. These were as follows: Church Heating, Churchyards, Eco Church, and Diocesan Route Map. The notes taken for each of these groups can be downloaded below as a PDF:

Church Heating | PDF

Churchyards with Suffolk Wildlife Trust | PDF

Eco Church | PDF

Diocesan Route Map | PDF

Synod also enjoyed updates on:

  • Schools from Jane Sheat, Diocesan Director of Education
  • St Edmundsbury Cathedral, from Dean Joe and his team
  • The Revd Stuart Batten, vocations
  • Lightwave from Sally Gaze, Archdeacon for Rural Mission who launched the video below.

Growing in God - Dream Small

Page last updated: Tuesday 11th July 2023 11:42 AM
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