Parish roles

In order to maintain a safe and inclusive environment for all, there are various roles within parishes to ensure successful upkeep of the parish and its congregation.

Those who work in parish roles are often part of the PCC (Parochial Church Council), the overseeing body for parish matters and decisions.

All parish roles also have stringent safeguarding responsibilities, in order to protect children and vulnerable adults. However, Parish Safeguarding Officers can provide advice and assistance.

Churchwardens have a more varied role, but are generally responsible for the management and upkeep of the parish, and maintaining order in the church. There are several more parish roles - if you are keen to learn more, please read through the role descriptions in this section of our website. 

Churchwarden | Weblink

Deanery Organiser | Weblink

Local Giving Adviser | Weblink

Parish Safeguarding Officer | Weblink

PCC Secretary | Weblink

Treasurer | Weblink



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